Ubiquiti Security Advisory Bulletin: What does this mean to you?

Earlier today Ubiquiti released a security advisory bulletin relating to a vulnerability with the UniFi Network Application (aka controller). In the bulletin, Ubiquiti states that the vulnerability that was found affects a number of their UniFi Gateway Consoles, which is good news if you run a self-hosted controller or a controller in the cloud, but bad news if you’re running an all-in-one console device.

What exactly is affected?

According to the bulletin, the vulnerability affects UniFi Gateway Consoles running the UniFi Network Application version 7.5.176 and earlier. It states that the software “implement device adoption with improper access control logic, creating a risk of access to device configuration information by a malicious actor with preexisting access to the network.”

The UniFi Network Application uses UDP port 10001 for device adoption which can also potentially open up exposure externally if this port is open on the WAN side of the UniFi Gateway Consoles. While it is not recommended to have this port open on your console, if you do, you could be exposing risk into your network.

On the LAN side of things, if the network is not configured to use a separate management VLAN to separate users from network devices, this can be a big issue. Industry best practice is to segment the LAN network away from the device management.

A malicious actor could potentially gain access to device configuration such as passwords, SSH and WPA encryption keys, and other configuration information about the network(s).

How does this affect me?

The good news is if you’re a Smart Tech Networx Cloud Connect customer this won’t affect you. For those that are not and are using any of the affected devices below this will require you to upgrade your UniFi Network Application to version 7.5.187 as soon as possible.

Here is a list of the devices that are affected:

What is the risk factor?

CVSS rates this vulnerability a Critical 10.0, so it is highly recommended to upgrade your UniFi Network Application to version 7.5.187 as soon as possible.

Risk Factor: Critical 10.0


CVE: CVE-2023-41721

How do I get help?

Head on over to our Contact page and send us a message and we can help you navigate through this vulnerability and get your console upgraded. Don’t leave your network vulnerable to attach and contact us today!


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